Wil je weten wat anderen denken van DEER LORD? Hier zijn enkele reviews:

“DEER LORD jumps out with a stark minimalist design. On top of that, the game seems to feature some interesting mechanics and graphic design. Be sure to check this one out.”
Brad Cummings, The Geek Weekly #90,

“It’s great to see a party game with a sense of flair and originality (…) the lifetime of the game is really limited by your imagination. (…) I was genuinely impressed by DEER LORD. Playing it is a unique experience, a blend of physical and verbal challenges, which takes the game well away from the tabletop.”

“fabulous minimalst art and design”
Nicole Jekich,

“In a world where I am sick and tired of Cards Against Humanity knockoffs, DEER LORD! fills a void that many social gamers need filled.”

“A perfect party game”

deer lord party card game stripes

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deer lord party card game divider eye

… of je kan hieronder je hart luchten over hoe fantastisch/drollig we zijn…

deer lord party card game divider eye

deer lord party card game press newcaster reviews