DEER LORD! is all about deceit, trickery, and other synonyms.
You have to bluff, lie and hide your intentions until you pocketed the reward, so it’s a distinct advantage to have two faces. Preferably even three or four.
Let’s take a look at some notorious star players in the DEER LORD! Hall Of Fame
Humbert Poilus’ firm pout leaves everybody wondering if he’s sulking or scowling when, in fact, he’s smirking.
Juan Camole puts on his ‘poker face’ by smearing chip dip across his lips.
Deliciously mysterious!
Confucius Nebular’s vacant stare hides his constant bewilderment.
The kind and gentle Maurice ‘the Hulk’ Chipolat will, well, look at the nickname.
Belinda Janusson’s pull the saddest puppy eyes to avoid confrontation, but will turn rabid (and inexplicably grow a moustache) when challenged.
Melchior Zazaboo uses his old age to his advantage by looking adorably befuddled when he’s actually the nastiest one of all.
The matronly frown of Margarete Papadopoulos is especially effective against children and young adults, who often break down and confess to crimes they didn’t even commit.
Ruby Saphire hasn’t won a single game yet, but is commended for devouring, on average, 68% of the provided party snacks.
When Skinner Henderson switches hairstyles mid-game, many accuse him of stashing whatever mysteriously disappeared right before. To this day, the only things retrieved from his bushy face were dandruff and glitter.
Thanks to a witch’s curse, Jacob Wilhelm Niemayer can escape hairy situations by turning into a toad. The witch has since demanded his disqualification.
Don’t fall for Bo Wu’s cheekiness, she will sell your soul in a heartbeat.
Morgan McSparrow will smile politely at everything you say, only to hide his utter contempt for everything you are.
Brutus Wallabee is impossible to keep up with. Whether he frowns or smiles, it’s almost always because he overheard something a couple of houses over. Only bats can tell, really.