On Saturday, November 7th 2015, DEER LORD visited board game club ‘De Pionisten’. They were a fantastic group of people who welcomed us with open arms. Turns out they weren’t only very enthousiastic to play DEER LORD, their creativity in executing ‘do-somethings’ and ‘duels’, never ceased to amaze us. Using yourself as a piece of the tower in the duel ‘who can build the highest tower’ and wearing a chair as necklace in the duel ’30 seconds to wear as many things around your neck as possible’ were truly a sight for sore eyes.
Continue reading DEER LORD @ Board Game Club ‘The Pionists’
Author: admin
Awesome people playing DEER LORD!
After we play tested DEER LORD! so much we started growing antlers ourselves, we decided to play it some more.
STORYBOARD for our promo vid
We just finished the storyboard for our Kickstarter promo video that we’ll be shooting Sunday, October 18th. Let’s hope the final product will look just as great!
DEER LORD example game situation
Check out how a game of DEER LORD! is played. Don’t feel like reading the game rules, you lazy generation X’er? Typical! Luckily we’ve got just the thing…
4 players: MAX – JAMES – EMMA – SOPHIE
Download the poster!
You all keep fawning over the gorgeous design by Steven, as well you should, so we have a treat for you: a download link for the poster (be warned: large file ahead!)
Plaster the city with it or hang it over your bed, your choice.
Board Game Tournament @ Lokeren
Last Sunday, 160 participants battled for the title of ‘Supreme Board Gamer’ in a tournament organized by Winning Movez.
DEER LORD! was there to cheer them on… and convince them of our awesome party game for adults.
Exclusive Interview
Before the Kickstarter starter, we were invited for an exclusive interview by Noam D. Plum to talk more about our upcoming party game.
One Party Game to rule them all
Discover why you should back DEER LORD! on Kickstarter
There’s some good in this world. And it’s worth fighting for.
Discover the final DEER LORD! designs.
The very first design (and this post for that matter) were rather basic…